Sunday, August 10, 2014

8/4 - 8/10

Monday - Fast Fumi Salad; later had a Sonic Lime Slushie (can't stop)
Tuesday - R out for work so he will bring home Maggiano's 2nd meal for me - cheese ravioli
Wednesday - pork chops, potatoes, tomato/cucumber salad
Thursday - waffle turkey/swiss/apples sandwiches (ww) and baked fries
Friday - travel day Chik-fil-a in the car
Saturday - hamburgers, pasta salad (2 different kinds) and good friends, hanging on the patio
    saw woodpecker, chickadee, hummingbirds - among others at the feeders, the yard looked so nice
Sunday - travel day, cheese/crackers/salami & dessert

Some chores were accomplished this weekend at the house, texturing the ceiling (still no paint), bball hoop sanded and painted, screens dropped off for repair, sprinkler head was working when looking into fixing this.  Also, did the front yard finishing work, edging, sweeping, weed pulling and trimming - looked good when we left.  Kids went to the rib off while we worked, took M and she looked so cute.  R also pulled weeds/flowers in the back bed to clean it up a bit  Met W's parents today, they seemed very nice and we look forward to talking/visiting again.

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