Yes, better late than never. Busy weekend and busy week so far. I have Mac every day right now, I love it but I think it bothers her parents. Not cause she is with me just that she is with me. Got that? Ha! I think they think they are overdoing it with my time. I can take her with me if I need to go anywhere; just not the doc's. I need to get a flu shot they say - hmmm - never had one but guess it would be a good thing too. For her. She has a routine during the day and it works for me so...we work around that schedule.
K had her first shower this past weekend and really Kirby was poured upon. It was so nice. K and R have so many nice things to provide for their baby. Too much probably. The diapers from their diaper party, I don't even know where to begin. They need extra shelving in their basement to keep the diapers that will be worn when the child is 2. Unbelievable! I know they will get used but seriously the stacks are as tall as me. K did well, she was tired but she did a good job hanging in there too. A few returns will need to be made but only 7 items.
We will have Mac this weekend while mom and dad attend a football game out of town. R is so excited. I think we might take her to the airport to watch airplanes; she loves to watch them while outside way up high and she is a tracker. She hears a plane and looks up to find it in the sky. We are about an hour from the airport so they are up there but you can see the colorful tails of the planes. She finds them and points. We'll see how the weather holds.
I am trying to teach her to blow out a candle for her upcoming birthday. I have a candle stuck in a hot dog bun and I light it and have her blow. Too funny! We had a pillow fight today, it really is just rolling around on top of the pillow or covering her with the pillow, but she enjoys.
J was to have surgery today but things happened that made them cancel. I hope and pray that he will be all right. I really don't think I should visit though cause something is going on with my ears and I don't want to spread an infection in the hospital, so I will stay away for now.
Onward to finish the week out and have hopefully some fun and relaxation this weekend. Bye for now.
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