Thursday, May 28, 2009


As my mom would have said she was the limit yesterday. So cute but she was in a mood, yes that would be Mac. Today she showed signs of pushing the limit so we have filled her day with things she hasn't done here before.

We were told by dad that in a developmental website he follows to have her kick a ball. Now she doesn't walk, or stand very well for that matter, but I held her and had her kick a ball. The first time I had to kind of swing her sideways to make her leg move to kick the ball. Fun times are being had by Mac and me. We also watched the garbage truck pick up trash. This is different too as our truck is automatic and lifts the huge can over the top of the truck to dump inside. So the huge rolling can needed to be brought back, and it is raining. Water doesn't hurt her so we went to get the can and have her get a little wet. She was funny when she was getting hit by the drops, she didn't know where to look.

Mac is napping right now and has been for about 1 1/2 hours - she will be up soon for lunch. I am going to try and sneak mine in before she gets up otherwise I might not get any.

Dinner menu has changed too -
Tuesday - Grouper, rice, green beans
Wednesday - Fast Fumi Salad
Thursday - Greek Chicken Pasta
Friday - Pizza (homemade)

We are riding on Saturday, a 17 mile trail - see if we can make the 34 mile roundtrip. Need to take a little food to have energy to endure the full mileage.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yes, the menu this week will be lots of leftovers. We had a couple of barbecues with a birthday thrown in this weekend. We have actually had some of the leftovers already at the 2nd barbecue. Fun times and great weather.

R's bday was fun a long ride on Saturday of over 20 miles for me and 23/24 for K, J, J and R. G did over 16 miles. Then we were on to shopping a little for a maternity top I saw for $6 - can't go wrong there. Grocery and then home to cook for the bday party. Good food, good friends/family makes for good times. Missed others that couldn't make it but had a good time too.

Went to the lake on Sunday, lunch, boat ride and fishing and just hanging with in-laws and friends. Barbecue for Memorial Day at our house with more in-laws and playing a little with Mac when she came over for a little bit with her dad. No dinner last night just nibbled on popcorn. Kids made it home, although it was late and I'm sure it is making for a long day today.

So the menu this week is leftovers cause I can't throw it away! Sure we will have to add sides but it will be a short week too. Have a great week everyone!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Nothing -

I have nothing for a menu this week cause the cook is gone again, and will be next week too! Although his bday is Saturday so want to do something on that day. We will be riding I hear on the Wabash trail - we did 13 miles Sunday so looking to do about 15 for me/19 for him - hmmmm, maybe more. Barbie chicken sounds good.

It is the holiday weekend coming up too. I want to have most of the grass cut Friday when he returns so he can enjoy his day, but can't do too much of the back. Too angled and I almost took my leg off a couple of times so I don't do it anymore. A little more planting to do, but we had frost warnings last night so hopefully that will not happen again. Pansies seemed to do well.

Swing built this weekend for little Miss Mac, and she was in it today. I think she really likes it and gives us a little something to do outside; besides take walks that is. She is napping right now, she didn't nap but 20 min. this am. We went to the bank, and when we got out of the car all she wanted to do is stare at the traffic going up and down the road. She loves to watch the cars, trucks, motorcycles, and all of the other stuff too.

Gotta run, she is up again! Ouch not enough time to get anything done today.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I think I am changing my mind for dinner tonight - I want breakfast. Poached eggs, ham, french toast/waffle and tea! It is rainy and cooler today so want to warm up a bit. Idol is on tonight and also America's Next Top Model final - thank goodness for a DVR. All my reality shows are coming to an end - what will fill my time now? R leaves next week again - gone all week. Lots of travel right now, not any different than any other year I guess.

Mac took a couple naps today - an hour this morning and about 45 min this afternoon; when Mom got here she had to wake her to get going. She will sleep good tonight, I would think, as she was awake for about 1 1/2 hours last night. A tooth is coming I think on the bottom right, left is through although not a full tooth yet. She was standing a bit today, when she thinks about it she falls. And she chased the dog today, Riesa is pretty patient I think.

Oh well, I will see Mac next week when she returns. Wonder what she will be doing then? Walking is going to come sooner than we all think, and I will be very nervous outside by the pool. She will permanently wear a life jacket with a handle on the back like dogs do - ha!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Another menu....

Monday - Pork Stir Fry
Tuesday - R has a dinner meeting so whatever I find
Wednesday - Chicken Breast, veggies, baked potato
Thursday - Broccoli Quiche (I really want this but may have to venture to make myself) - go ahead!
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Steak, potato (not sure how fixed yet), salad
Sunday - Something on the grill

Went for a ride yesterday and we did about 10 miles, K & I - the others did about 12 - 12.5. It was windy - so we rode into the wind and had it more or less at our backs on the return.

BLT's for lunch with pasta and potato salad - R made lunch with K help. The other mom's didn't do much but laze around. First mother's day for K, she and R watched Mac while we rode. She has so much fun with her. They went for a walk and took the dog, I'm sure they looked like the new little family; little do people know that she really will have a baby this time next year. I can't hardly wait to watch them in action!

They went back to C-bus fairly early - not as early as I thought - but too much for K as she got sick when she got home. I hope this ends soon for her, I feel so bad! She has a little belly, I can see it, no one else would that doesn't know her. Date for the shower picked - October 31st - her lil punkin shower! Ha!

Monday, May 4, 2009

No cook --

The cook is gone for the week so no menu here - I'll eat what I feel like if I feel like! Everyone is gone or going to be gone this week. R to NJ; J/K to Baltimore (so proud); G/J to 2nd home - so I will be hangin' alone except for the dogs and little miss Mac later in the week. We went to do a little shopping today, the Mac and I, and stopped to see Cindy too. J/K worked today so I had my normal Monday best job of my life day. Mac will be with Nana till Wednesday night or Thursday morning. R home Thursday night so he will get to see her and hang for a little while. Yes, no dinner on Thursday planned either as R is home late.

Planted pansies yesterday and can't wait to see if they grow in the heat. The front flower bed gets so hot. Not much has worked out there even with the sprinklers running 2x a day.

I can't wait to hopefully see pics this week of the newest member of the family, Kirby - that is exciting. It is the middle child's bday on Thursday and she gets a special gift of seeing her baby. What better gift could you possibly ask for???? R's bday is next week so he gets his gift a little early.

Guess that is all for now - take care and have a great week. If you get a chance to look at kitchens on a blog visit here, I had so much fun looking, admiring, finding light fixtures that look good, etc.