Remember playing dress up when you were younger? My sister and I used to use Mom and Aunt Lois' bridesmaid dresses from each others wedding. They certainly weren't pretty, ok for the time, they may have been - but satin, really? Heavy things! Colors, well the purple one was pretty but the yellow - odd. Those are they only 2 items I remember, wonder if there is a pic somewhere. Hmmm - doubt it. I'll have to ask G.
Well, little miss Mac gets to model too! Yes, she is my new "doll" to dress up, hmmm, not necessarily dress up but take pics of anyway in strange places, or so they tell me anyway. She wasn't having it in the later stages. I so enjoy thinking of ways to take her picture and the scrapbook pages that will one day be made. Take a look! So much fun, I will buy her an outfit sometime soon for more dress up.