I can't explain but it never gets old watching Mackenzie, I have so much fun and a lot of the time she is eating, sleeping, fussing - just a small amount of time she is cooing and smiling. But those few minutes are worth the wait each and every time. She has the cutest smile and I love to see her try to coo - her tongue takes up a major portion of her tiny precious mouth - and seems to inhibit her ability to coo. She looks so much like K right now to me. I so look forward to hearing her voice and her words - dainty girly or strong girl? hmmm...we will have to wait and see.
Riesa is sooooooo jealous of her, but I do see them in the pool together in the next couple of years and running around the yard. She just wants to smell and lick her face, poor puppy is taking seconds here; at least when Mac is in the house. We have taken one girl for a walk twice this week, yep Riesa. She loves it too. I would love to take Mac, but think I will need to get a stroller soon or it will be too cold. I think I could manage both girls - that would be fun.
Today Mac was in her NY outfit. I would love to stroll through the city with her - maybe that will be something in the future. A girls weekend in NYC - how fun would that be? How long do you think I will have to wait? Sorry, Riesa, you will be second in this instance too.
But I do love these girls. I can't wait to see all the things that are yet to come but don't ever want to forget.